
2020年12月2日—Openthecursor,sothatrowscannowbefetchedfromthequery.Note:ThisisastepOracleDatabaseperformswiththeSELECT-INTOstatement.,ThefollowingexampleshowstheuseofaCURSORexpressionintheselectlistofaquery:Copy.SELECTdepartment_name,CURSOR(SELECTsalary,commission_pct ...,2010年6月2日—Basically,isitpossibletoreferenceanduseacursoronlyusingplainSQL?,2022年11月25日—Question:Isthereareasontouseacu...

Working with cursors and dynamic queries in PLSQL

2020年12月2日 — Open the cursor, so that rows can now be fetched from the query. Note: This is a step Oracle Database performs with the SELECT-INTO statement.

CURSOR Expressions

The following example shows the use of a CURSOR expression in the select list of a query: Copy. SELECT department_name, CURSOR(SELECT salary, commission_pct ...

select from cursor in plain SQL?

2010年6月2日 — Basically, is it possible to reference and use a cursor only using plain SQL?

Select Into VS Cursor

2022年11月25日 — Question: Is there a reason to use a cursor over a select into in this situations? I'm working in a place where all PL/SQL devs refuse to use ...

Select count from cursor

2007年11月14日 — BEGIN FOR c1 IN (SELECT OBJECT_NAME FROM dba_objects WHERE owner = USER AND object_type = 'TABLE') LOOP SELECT COUNT(*) FROM c1.OBJECT_NAME; END ...


2021年9月12日 — How to use a cursor · CURSOR cursor_name IS query; OPEN cursor_name; · CREATE VIEW sales AS SELECT customer_id, · DECLARE · SELECT customer_id,


2013年8月3日 — SELECT Data FROM CURSOR of PACKAGE, print it · I create PACKAGE with cursor and rec · I create PACKAGE with procedure that fetch cursor data in ...

With statement select and function into cursor

2019年12月11日 — How to make a select from a cursor that returns from a plsql function ORACLE · 0 · Oracle function, how to pass parameters to cursor and use it.

PLSQL Cursor By Practical Examples

Implicit cursors. Whenever Oracle executes an SQL statement such as SELECT INTO , INSERT , UPDATE , and DELETE , it automatically creates an implicit cursor.

Working with Cursors in Oracle PLSQL

2022年10月21日 — Using SELECT-INTO statement – Implicit Cursor: This is the simplest and best way to fetch single row result from a SELECT statement. Oracle ...

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